Warning Until you create a Business Account, OneMe Portal functionality will be limited.

Get started by configuring your business account.

Tell OneMe Users about your business, and why you need OneMe verification.

This name should uniquely identify your business on our platform. Your business name can't be changed once set.
A one sentence description of your business. Your business tagline can't be changed once set.
Here's The error Message

Define what information you require from your Users, and explain how it's used.

Reason your business is requesting the user's name:
Reason your business is requesting the user's age:
Reason your business is requesting the user's sex:
Reason your business is requesting the user's ID Photo:
Reason your business is requesting the user's selfie:
Reason your business is requesting the user's email:
Reason your business is requesting the user's phone number:
Reason your business is requesting the user's ID:
Reason your business is requesting the user's birthdate:
First login to configure business.


Use OneMe to verify user info:


All data is sent and recieved as JSON.
All API access is over HTTPS, and accessed from https://api.oneme.com .

Authentication Convention:

OneMe uses the last two query parameters of a query to authenticate the query source.
Therefore, you must include your business id and business Key as the last two query parameters of each query.


Your Private Credentials are listed below:

Business id = ****

Business Key = ****
* Values hidden until business profile is configured above.

OneMe API Endpoints:

The following is a list of supported https endpoints, their parameters , and their return values.

inviteUser Endpoint:

Example usage:



inviteUser is a Get Method used to send a request for information from your business to the specified user.


__specifiedUserID__ :
The unique string that identifies each OneMe User. Ask the user to paste in their OneMeID , and use this string as the specifiedUserID. The specifiedUserID denotes which user the request is referring to.
__businessID__ :
The unique string that identifies your business. Copy your business ID from the Authentication Section above. Use this string in all your OneMe API requests as the second to last parameter
__businessKey__ :
The secret password used to authenticate your business' request via the OneMe API. Copy your businessKey from the Authentication Section above. Use this string in all your OneMe API requests as the last parameter

Return Values:


                                               "message": "error message" | undefined 
                                               "invitationSent": "true" | undefined

userIsLinked Endpoint:

Example usage:



userIsLinked is a Get Method used to gauge if a given user has accepted an invitation to share their info with your business.


__specifiedUserID__ :
The unique string that identifies each OneMe User. Ask the user to paste in their OneMeID , and use this string as the specifiedUserID. The specifiedUserID denotes which user the request is referring to.
__businessID__ :
The unique string that identifies your business. Copy your business ID from the Authentication Section above. Use this string in all your OneMe API requests as the second to last parameter
__businessKey__ :
The secret password used to authenticate your business' request via the OneMe API. Copy your businessKey from the Authentication Section above. Use this string in all your OneMe API requests as the last parameter

Return Values:


                                           "message": "error message" | undefined 
                                           "userIsLinked": "true | false" | undefined

fetchUserInfo Endpoint:

Example usage:



fetchUserInfo is a Get Method used to retrieve the information about the specified user.


__specifiedUserID__ :
The unique string that identifies each OneMe User. Ask the user to paste in their OneMeID , and use this string as the specifiedUserID. The specifiedUserID denotes which user the request is referring to.
__businessID__ :
The unique string that identifies your business. Copy your business ID from the Authentication Section above. Use this string in all your OneMe API requests as the second to last parameter
__businessKey__ :
The secret password used to authenticate your business' request via the OneMe API. Copy your businessKey from the Authentication Section above. Use this string in all your OneMe API requests as the last parameter

Return Values:


                                           "message": "error message" | undefined,
                                           "age": "ageString" | undefined,
                                           "name": "nameSring" | undefined,
                                           "sex": "sexString" | undefined,
                                           "email": "emailString" | undefined,
                                           "phoneNumber": "phoneNumberString" | undefined,
                                           "birthdate": "birthdateString" | undefined,
                                           "credibilityScore" : "credibilityScoreNumber"